The Wakeup Call

I don't remember the dream vividly, but I kind of remember the end. It was a courtroom or something where I was sitting next to the ruler I suppose who was appointing a new member or something. But then the alarm rang, and the phone was in my bag and the bag was away from my bed. So I had to get up to turn off the alarm. I opened my bag and took out my phone to turn it off. Because the alarm ringtone was soothing, I was enjoying it and waited longer before turning it off. My eyes are closed while tuning into the song. I then opened my eyes to see myself pretending to hold the phone. The phone wasn't there in my hand. The alarm was still ringing. I didn't get up from my bed. That was a dream. The alarm rang and I woke up from the dream to turn off the alarm and that turned out to be another dream. Now that I was actually awake, I got up and turned off the alarm for real.