Missed By An Alarm
Have you missed a golden opportunity just because of an obstacle? Well I missed two or three of them this morning, all because of an alarm. Yes, I am talking about the dream I saw today morning. Like last time, this time also it was in parts and I missed the opportunity in every parts because of the alarm. So here goes: PART 1: This was like a big festival on the outdoors organised by the church I think. There was a stage set and lot of programmes happening. I couldn’t find any place to sit and I was standing next to a buffet stall trying to get a glimpse of the event happening. The buffet was ready and haven’t opened to enjoy till the end of the programme so I waited for the programme to end, also keeping an eye on the buffet stall to open. The programme was over and people started lining up towards the buffet stall and I was ready with my plate, spoon and fork to attack as I have been standing near the stall. The lids were open and the smell did tempt me that...