An Alarming Class Party

I met my best friend at a corner inside a mall or something waiting at the door and also carrying a shopping bag. I asked what he was doing there and what was happening inside. He held the door handle and said that is where the lights party was happening and pushes the door ajar. I went inside what looked like the size of a classroom (Well it was an actual classroom with desks and benches along with a disco setting) and lot of nerds were dancing to the music being played. It wasn’t really much of a party song but some thrilling enough songs with everyone enjoying it. I found my way across the nerds and sat on the backbench at the corner. My friend too tried coming but he got diverted by someone known to him. It looked like the party was actually happening inside a classroom. With some disco lights; music and so on. It was dim lighting of blue overall though there were beams of different colours emitting from the disco ball. The people around were mostly in uniform and ...